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Alumni FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the UK Ukraine Business Consortium Network?

A consortium made up of a number of UK-based employers. The consortium has pledged resettlement support to those who have fled the conflict in Ukraine. The scheme will offer language support as well as jobs to refugees arriving in the UK.

Initially, as this is a volunteer led initiative, we have set this up so we can share news with interested parties about the consortium and fantastic work of Refuaid.

Q. How do I register and join the UK Ukraine Business Consortium Network?

You can register and join by visiting https://ukbusinessconsortium.com and clicking ”Sign Up for Updates.”

We will continue to gather the interested participants’ info while we finalize the community portal. As soon as the portal is live, you’ll receive instructions on how to register.

Q. Who can I speak to if I have a question regarding the UK Ukraine Business Consortium Network?

Please contact the Business Consortium Team  ukbc@alumni-support.com